30 Day Challenges

Sunshine, Dog Treats, and Slacking off

Yay! Week two! And it was my birthday this past weekend so it was a pretty awesome week in all. Although I did some real slacking a couple of days and either got my prompt in just before midnight or had to catch up first thing the next day.

I finished the 10 prompts from The Write Practice, although I didn’t love the last two as much as I enjoyed the first ones. With the original list of ten complete I moved on to choosing prompts that either inspired or challenged me from thinkwritten’s list of 365 prompts (if you  are really motivated you can challenge yourself to do one a day for a year). I also picked a few at random from google and tumblr. Those prompts have the image of the prompt at the top of each result.

One thing I’ve found while working on this challenge is that having the deadline looming over me is a great push to be motivated to do anything else. Seriously, because I know I have to (and will) write for 15 minutes a some point during the day I procrastinate. Here are just a few of the things I’ve done when I could have been settled in for an awesome writing session.

  1. Made home-made dog treats! And they were super easy.  Puree half a seedless watermelon and then blend it with 1 cup plain Greek yogurt and about 1/2 a cup of water or coconut water.  Pour into ice cube trays (I used these cool silicone ones) and freeze.
  2. Colored in my new Doctor Who coloring book.
  3. Washed the dog.
  4. Went on incredibly long hikes.
  5. Got a sun tan that boarder on burnt.
